Time flies when you’re having… Fun?

I can’t quite believe it has been three months since I last blogged. For my followers and any other viewers, apologies! It is remarkable to think what has happened in the last few months since I posted. I’m sure anyone reading this would have had a lot going on in recent times. There is an old quote – ‘time flies when you’re having fun’. While that may be the quote, in many cases, it isn’t true.


The thing about life is that it goes so quickly. Each day comes and goes and before you know it, it is a new year. I digress, to an extent, this is how I have felt in the past few weeks, time really has flown by. But when life goes by so quickly, it is difficult sometimes to notice others, to appreciate what personal battle’s they are going through. In actual fact many, many people suffer.

Earlier this month it was the United States National Suicide Prevention week. The week aims to engage the American public, along with those from afar, about the dangers surrounding mental health, and more specifically suicide. Suicide is a huge killer. In USA, between 1999 and 2014, suicides rose a staggering 24% – it is becoming an enormous problem.

So many people suffer in silence. They feel as if there is no one to talk too about their problems. This is the issue with mental health – there appears to be a stigma around the topic, before you know it, it is too late. Take the ‘Lad Bible’ – a social media page revolving around the ‘lad culture’ that has unfortunately influenced millions of people. Not so long ago they posted an Internet meme of actor Wentworth Miller, poking fun at him. Why? Just because he had put on weight.

As Miller himself put it, big F-ing deal. In an admirable riposte, Miller criticized the meme, putting his weight gain down to mental health issues. Miller is an advocate for suicide prevention, and is a perfect example of why suicide isn’t the answer – he has admirably responded to his demons. The Lad Bible didn’t even begin to consider Miller’s personal circumstances – something sadly all too common.

That is why it is so important for society to be more educated on the topic. It is highly possible those close to you will be suffering, it is crucial to look for tell-tale signs. Just talking can be an enormous help. Having someone to talk too really is invaluable. Having someone to spell out your problems is a huge help. But sadly, not everyone has someone there for them when the chips are down. Therefore, it is vital that in our day-to-day activities, that we take an interest in the well-being of others, and offer them a helping hand when it is necessary.

This entire topic is very sensitive to me. The details of that are for another day, but it is something I, and many others, feel very strongly about. At times this can be a cruel, cruel world, but it is up to us all to rise from our lows, and try and create highs. It’s good to be back, I hope to post more regularly in the forthcoming times.

Remember, as bad as things can get, you aren’t alone.
