In Another Life: What If?

It’s strange, that when you come towards the end of something, that you start to suddenly over-think everything, and perhaps even become emotional. As we reach the end of a journey, there is often a period of reflection. And then you have the farewells to people you have come to know so well – and will miss heavily. Even when you’ve been in a similar position before and come out stronger, you still wonder, how is this going to work out?


Life is an incredible thing. While before I’ve spoken about how you only appreciate the value of something when it’s gone, at the same time, on select occasions, and I find especially with people, it is possible to appreciate every moment you have with them, particularly if the time is coming to an end. But when you have shared so many moments together, you could wonder, I often do – in another life, just what might have been? It is easy to think – isn’t it – about what might have been if ‘I had done X’, or said Y.

The incredible thing about life is that for me to be writing this post, and for you to be reading this, the billions upon billions of things that have happened to get us both to where we are today – it is astounding. It really is mind-boggling to think about it. Even your decision an hour ago, or when you woke up this morning, the different decisions you’ve made since then to get you to this blog. Then you look at the wider choices made in life – relationships, holidays, new jobs, new locations. So much has happened, and has affected us to this day.

That’s why sometimes you wonder with people, that you care deeply for, what could have been. Perhaps you met the person just too little too late. Or maybe there was baggage from the past that prohibited you from moving on. These are questions that we can easily ask in hindsight. But hindsight is a powerful thing, it is important to try and live in the moment, and to do everything in your power, when you come across that special person.

We don’t know what the future holds for us. It is easy to over-think when you are coming to the end of a journey. But it is important to look forward to what comes next. It is easy to look back and reminisce about the past, but looking forward is a better use of your time. And who knows, maybe, just maybe, things will work out exactly how you want. But of course, stopping and appreciating what you have at any given point is important. As I mentioned, life is an incredible thing. It is up to us to embrace it, and do what we can in this life.
